Unfortunately, it would seem that I've been less than honest with myself about my UFOs recently. Remember those two black, blocking sweaters? Well, after they had dried thoroughly I tried them both on to see what I had to work with. The lace one immediately went to the frog pond, being both too short and ridiculously boxy (also, the fucking armholes were too tight again), but the embellished v-neck went into my project basket with a mental note to restitch the armholes a bit looser and go ahead with the lace trims.
Eight hours and one very long, boring shift at work later, I've had plenty of time to let that almost-finished sweater simmer in the back of my brain and sometime today I realized that, honestly, I will not wear that sweater if I go ahead and finish it in its current state. The armholes are too short (MOTHERF&#%) and the deep v-neck that looked so structured and secretary-hot on the b-cup model is so deep that it slips open and towards my armholes, thanks to my irritatingly large d-cups. For future reference, v-necks that end near my navel and whose edges are supposed to lay across my nipples are a bad idea.
I'm still working on my third sweater-for-me, although the realization that I'm going to have to rip out the neckband, shoulder seams, and cap shaping of the finished sleeve in order to make the fucking armholes taller is less than encouraging. I'm not too concerned with finishing any of my socks-in-progress (all........er......6 pairs of them) at the moment, which leaves three projects on my WIP list.
The first, a zip-apart colourblock pullover for Sarreyn, needs just one more zipper to be complete, but we figured out that he'd be more likely to wear it with the pieces joined directly to each other, rather than with all the zippers in place. I'm not up to ripping out tons of teeny black machine-stitched seams any time soon, so that's just going to stay where it is for now. The second, Colchique (for me), is waiting on me to translate the sleeves from French and then rewrite the pattern for them so that they can be knit from the shoulder downward. This is stalled for much the same reason as the first WIP. When I'm working six days a week the last thing I want to do is come home and do something I dislike even at the best of times.
The third, also for Sarreyn, is the irregular rib raglan from Loop-d-Loop. It's actually completely knit, but when he tried it on for a final fitting it was discovered that his upper arms had, well, gotten bigger. To get it to the point where he can wear it comfortably I have to rip out the collar, undo the underarm seams, rip back both sleeves to about the elbow, reknit them with added increases, and then reknit the ridiculously tall collar. And attach a toggle. This sounds much more feasible to me than with of the other WIPs, but I just don't feel like doing it right now. Chalk it up to laziness, but what I really want to do is knit one of the fantastically constructed patterns from the Domiknitrix's new book. I swatched for the Little Red Riding Hoodie, with limited success, but also have my eye on about five other patterns. If it so happens that I can't make anything without going yarn shopping (it's a distinct possibility. much of her stuff is in bulky weight.) I have a backup plan that involves the VK Winter 2006.
The first, a zip-apart colourblock pullover for Sarreyn, needs just one more zipper to be complete, but we figured out that he'd be more likely to wear it with the pieces joined directly to each other, rather than with all the zippers in place. I'm not up to ripping out tons of teeny black machine-stitched seams any time soon, so that's just going to stay where it is for now. The second, Colchique (for me), is waiting on me to translate the sleeves from French and then rewrite the pattern for them so that they can be knit from the shoulder downward. This is stalled for much the same reason as the first WIP. When I'm working six days a week the last thing I want to do is come home and do something I dislike even at the best of times.
The third, also for Sarreyn, is the irregular rib raglan from Loop-d-Loop. It's actually completely knit, but when he tried it on for a final fitting it was discovered that his upper arms had, well, gotten bigger. To get it to the point where he can wear it comfortably I have to rip out the collar, undo the underarm seams, rip back both sleeves to about the elbow, reknit them with added increases, and then reknit the ridiculously tall collar. And attach a toggle. This sounds much more feasible to me than with of the other WIPs, but I just don't feel like doing it right now. Chalk it up to laziness, but what I really want to do is knit one of the fantastically constructed patterns from the Domiknitrix's new book. I swatched for the Little Red Riding Hoodie, with limited success, but also have my eye on about five other patterns. If it so happens that I can't make anything without going yarn shopping (it's a distinct possibility. much of her stuff is in bulky weight.) I have a backup plan that involves the VK Winter 2006.