Lest it sound as though my life has been naught but sorrow and tribulation of late, I will reveal to you my newly rediscovered sense of relaxation, brought on by the necessity of convalescence and the decision to reduce my course load from fifteen to nine credits, both for the sake of my mental state and my educational fund, which has been placed in a money market account for the duration of the recession. It is safe, but not earning interest. Logic tells us that by not using up my resources as quickly as I have been I will have more remaining to re-invest once the stock market takes a turn for the less horrifying. Other benefits of this decision include fingernails-a detail directly indicative of my stress level-and the ability to dedicate plenty of time to my tutoring job, as well as small commission knitting projects, all of which make my bank account less frightened.
I've made more things.

Actually, this is sketchbook, not projects. For the sake of my portfolio class I have been scanning in many of my projects.

Those are much neater if you see the theme/mood collages that inspired them, but I felt that scanning them was less important.
Next, my two final projects from last term. I had more than two, obviously, but you are very much not interested in seeing technical flats or spec packages.

Apparently I don't have the second project with me, but I swear it will uploaded sometime within the next few months.
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