I was trying to break out of my autumnal comfort zone. The fabrics chosen for this collection were all natural fibers and easy care.

Concept board and mini-collection based on an assigned theme.

Concept board with illustrations, technical flats, and material swatches. This was my final project for a digital apparel presentation course.

Final collection for a concept and development class. This project was inspired by my brother's girlfriend.

I'm in a digital print design course right now, so I have lots of prints. This one is meant to be inspired by Lotta Jansdotter.

This started out by making one of those fold-and-cut paper snowflake things. I then had to develop a color story from an image of my choice and design 3 companion prints.

This collection of prints is inspired by Orla Kiely. I'm told my little tree motif looks quite a bit like an alien, but her designs are abstract, so I'm claiming that mine is as well.

There's quite a bit more, including things I'd have to scan in, but I have to go to class now (wheee outsourcing 353 >_<). I'll post the rest when I get back. Also, I apologize for the janky formatting. Blogger wants to hate on my face today, it seems.
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